Pro Tools Guitar

  1. Pro Tools Guitar Tuner
  2. Pro Tools Guitar Center
  3. Recording Guitar In Pro Tools
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Pro tools guitar tuner

Pro Tools Guitar Tuner

Guitar tech tools

Eleven Rack is a professional Pro Tools hardware/software bundle that provides the ultimate recording and amplifier emulation solution for guitar players. Get everything you need- and more-to showcase your skills, including a high-resolution, DSP-accelerated hardware interface, industry-standard Pro Tools software, standalone Eleven Rack Editor.

Welcome to use our tuner for free online. The app is fully chromatic and therefore the guitar tuner online does also support a variaty of stringed musical instruments. Click on any of the links below to read more about how to use the app for each specific instument. Also, it does work both for electric guitar and acoustic guitar.

If you are using a smartphone or tablet the guitar tuner app is best to use because the online tuner does not have smartphone support. If you are using a smartphone, download the our app Pro Guitar Tuner.

If you are using an acoustic guitar or any acoustic instrument the tuner will by default use the built-in microphone. However, if you want to tune an electric guitar or any plugged in instrument you have to adjust the input source.

The online guitar tuner is fully chromatic but if you need a reference of a specific tuning and tune by ear read: Setup Instrument and Tuning.

Guitar types and tunings

The online version of the ProGuitar Tuner includes a massive library of different guitar types and alternative tunings. Note that the tuner works for both electric and acoustic guitar. Read the last section of this page to see all tuning options available. The list of alternate tunings for guitar would be too long if we list all here. Therefore, the available guitar types only are listed below. Follow the link to see the tunings available for the specific guitar.

Setup Instrument and Tuning

Access tuning settings

Click on the area shown by the blue arrow and a window will open on top of the guitar tuner, see the image below.

Select instrument and tuning

Choose your preferred instrument. You scroll in the list by a click and drag motion.

After selecting an instrument, all the available tunings for that specific instrument will appear to the right. Choose the desired tuning by clicking on the area of a specific tuning. You should now hear a sequence played for each string and the fretboard will be updated with your desired tuning.

Tune by ear using audio samples

At any time you can click the strings on the fretboard to listen to a reference tone. One common way of is to tune the guitar to itself. If you are a beginner it can be a good practise to use a combination of a reference tone and a guitar tuner. One thing to notice is that the online guitar tuner does not show the actual octave. For that you need to download the smartphone app, which at the moment is of much higher quality than the online app.

Use the Guitar Tuner with the desktop's built-in microphone

Pro Tools Guitar Center

If you any other browser than Google Chrome you need to have Flash installed and allow microphone access. See further instructions directly below the tuner by clicking the button 'Show Instructions'.

If you have any suggestions or think any other alternative tunings should be added, please send us a note through the guitar forum.

Recording Guitar In Pro Tools

The tuner is fully chromatic but if you need a reference of a specific tuning when tuning by ear or if you want to tune any other instrument follow the steps in how to setup the guitar tuner for other instruments

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