Bible Study

NET Bible study suite. The NET Bible study suite allows you to read and study God's word for free anywhere. Click here to learn more about everything that the NET Bible has to offer. Enjoy our FREE online Bible study tools to enhance your study. More of Bible resources you want and need: 110+ Commentaries, 28 Dictionaries, 8 Encyclopedias and 3 Lexicons, 12+ Devotionals! The Bible verses are explained using other Bible verses, the original text and context, and the examples are drawn from the Bible, for the Bible is best explains the Bible. This Bible study also teaches how to probe and study the Bible, discern Biblical and unbiblical elements in sermons, test and affirm the inerrancy of the Bible,.

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Welcome! Here you will find over 1800 sermon outlines, Bible studies, PowerPoint files, and gospel tracts freely available by Mark A. Copeland (

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more info). They are called 'executable' because they were first distributed in an executable DOS program. The name has been retained for I have been told 'These outlines really execute!' (ex-e-cute: perform or carry out what is required). My prayer is they can help execute the Word of God in your life!Study

You may use, copy, or distribute these outlines offline (note to webmasters) provided you do it free of charge. 'Freely you have received, freely give.' (Matthew 10:8) Perhaps you will find them suitable for sermon preparation, teaching Bible classes, or your own personal study of God's Word.

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The Most Important News In The World!

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  • Who am I? What is my religious background? Read About The Author.
  • To obtain all the outlines in one zipped file, go to the Download Page.
  • This website has had visitors from every country in the world. See the Distribution Report.
  • For more resources pertaining to sermon preparation or personal study, visit Executable Links.
  • Looking for indepth studies? Check out the growing list of Recommended Books.
  • Something extra! Chart Sermons by Steve Hudgins, my father-in-law.
  • I've put together Thoughts On The Preacher And His Work based on my experience.
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