Metabase Send Email

windows server 2008 r2, iis7, cdo send email

If you’ve already configured Metabase to use email, Metabase will send the new user an invite email. Otherwise, it’ll give you a temporary password that you’ll have to send to the person you’re inviting by hand. Call 866.559.5037 or email If EIP payments are directed to a refund transfer account, we will communicate with the IRS and the IRS will send the payments directly to the recipient. The best method of tracking an EIP payment from the IRS.

Nov 04, 2010 11:33 AM|supportadl|LINK

Hi, I have an application classic asp that send emails from web site, the code is the following:

dim sender



Metabase send emails



' EMAIL settings

dim cdoSendUsingMethod, cdoSendUsingPort, cdoSMTPServer, cdoSMTPConnectionTimeout, cdoSMTPServerPort, SmtpPerEmail










'Function to send email

Function SendEmail(soggetto, dati, sender, email)

Dim Mail


Set Mail = Server.CreateObject('CDO.Message')





if cdoUsingAuthentication then

Mail.Configuration.Fields.Item(cdoAuthentication) = cdoAuthenticationValue

Mail.Configuration.Fields.Item(cdoAuthenticationAccount) = cdoAuthenticationAccountValue

Mail.Configuration.Fields.Item(cdoAuthenticationPassword) = cdoAuthenticationPasswordValue



Mail.From = sender

Mail.To = email

Mail.Subject = soggetto

Mail.HTMLBody = dati

Metabase Send Email


testo = '

soggetto = '

set Mail = nothing


With windows 2003 R2 and IIS6 the application send emails correctly bat when I have migration my application on windows 2008 R2 with IIS7 don’t works.

The server SMTP is external at the system.

I have also installed SMTP server, start services and following this guide , but don’t send emails.

I also check this:

  1. Give Read/Write permissions for the IIS_IUSRS group to the Mailroot folder (permissions will inherit down to Pickup/etc folders).
  2. Now use a Metabase Permissions modifier (Metabase Explorer works, so does METAACL.VBS from 2003), Open LMSMTPSVC and SMTPSVC1 and add IIS_IUSRS with read permissions to those branches of the metabase.
    cscript metaacl.vbs IIS://LOCALHOST/SMTPSVC %computername%IIS_IUSRS R
    cscript metaacl.vbs IIS://LOCALHOST/SMTPSVC/1 %computername%IIS_IUSRS R

Still don't work.

Do you have any ideas?

Thanks a lot.

Metabase Send Emails

IIS7send emailscdowindows server 2008 r2


Metabase - A database framework and API for resource metadata

version 1.003

Metabase is a database framework and API for resource metadata. The framework describes how arbitrary data ('facts') are associated with particular resources or related to each other. The API describes how to store, retrieve, and search this information.

History and Motivation

Metabase was originally designed as a means of storing reports from the CPAN Testers project. When Metabase was initially developed, CPAN Testers reports were sent by individual testers to a single email server, which then forwarded them to a USENET group, which was considered the authoritative store. This presented problems: some testers couldn't send email, the system wasn't very searchable, was hard to mirror, and the data inside the system was entirely unstructured.

Metabase aimed to avoid all of those problems by being transport-neutral, searchable and easier to mirror by design, and geared toward storing structured data. Simplicity is another design goal: while it has several moving parts, they're all simple and designed to be replaceable and extensible, rather than to be a perfect design up front.

A Metabase has several parts:

  • Metabase::Librarian, a class which manages access to the Archive and Index

  • Metabase::Gateway, a role for managing submission of facts to the Librarian

  • Metabase::Archive, a role for storing and retrieving facts

  • Metabase::Index, a role for indexing and searching facts

  • Metabase::Query, a role for translating a common query data structure into a backend-specific query

Roles require implementations. These could use flat files, relational databases, object databases, cloud services, or anything else that can satisfy the role API.

Metabase comes with some simple, stupid backends for testing:

Facts stored with in a Metabase are defined as subclasses of Metabase::Fact. Metabase::Report is a subclass that relates multiple facts.

Metabase::Web provides the web API for storing, searching and retrieving facts. Metabase::Client::Simple is the client library to submit facts to a Metabase::Web server. A future Metabase::Client class will provide submit and search capabilities.


Bugs / Feature Requests

Please report any bugs or feature requests through the issue tracker at You will be notified automatically of any progress on your issue.

Source Code

This is open source software. The code repository is available for public review and contribution under the terms of the license.

  • David Golden <>

  • Ricardo Signes <>

  • Leon Brocard <>

Metabase Send Email Address

  • Florian Ragwitz <>

  • Graham Knop <>

  • Leon Brocard <>

  • Ricardo SIGNES <>

Metabase Send Email Login

This software is Copyright (c) 2013 by David Golden.

Metabase Send Email

This is free software, licensed under:

To install Metabase, copy and paste the appropriate command in to your terminal.

Metabase Send Email Account

For more information on module installation, please visit the detailed CPAN module installation guide.

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