Md Readme Syntax

  1. Readme Md Syntax Online
  2. Md Readme Syntax Examples

For a quick and painless solution check out the last update at the end of the post. When you create a project on GitHub, it is highly encouraged to add a README file too. Thus, when someone visits. files are meant to provide orientation for developers browsing the repository, especially first-time users. We recommend that Git repositories have an up-to-date top-level file. Gitiles supports the core Markdown syntax described in Markdown Basics. This was our custom, JSON-based syntax for writing rich components alongside plain-text Markdown. To provide seamless backwards-compatibility, the engine ships with a built-in parser for the older format so we can transpile it directly to our new ReadMe-flavored syntax.

  • I want to create a file for my GitHub but not really sure how to populate it with the correct syntax in order for it to display correctly. Would anyone know if there is a site with tutorials on how to populate the with the correct synatx?
  • An open source userscript manager.

Regular expression support for Prolog.

When Prologers want to match a string against a pattern, they typically write aDCG. DCGs are powerful and flexible. For medium to large patterns, they arealso easier to read and maintain. However, for small and local patterns theoverhead of writing and naming auxiliary predicates can be too much. In thosecircumstances, one might prefer a regular expression. This pack makes itpossible.

The =~ operator matches a string (on the left side) against a regularexpression (on the right side). Either side can be an atom or a list of codes.The ~ operator succeeds if the string does not match the pattern.

This section lists the regular expression syntax accepted by library(regex).Syntax not listed here is not yet supported. Patches welcome.

Single characters

  • `.` - any character, including newline
  • [xyz] - character class
  • `[^xyz]` - negated character class
  • d - Perl character class
  • D - negated Perl character class


Readme Md Syntax Online

  • xy - x followed by y
  • x|y - x or y (prefer x)


  • `x*` - zero or more x, prefer more
  • `x+` - one or more x, prefer more
  • `x?` - zero or one x, prefer one
  • `x{n,m} - n or n+1` or ... or mx, prefer more
  • `x{n,} - n` or more x, prefer more
  • `x{n} - exactly nx`


  • (re) - numbered capturing group
  • `(?<name>re)` - named & numbered capturing group


  • i - case-insensitive (default false)
  • s - let `. match n` (default false)

Empty strings

  • ^ - at start of text
  • $ - at end of text

Character class elements

  • x - single character
  • A-Z - character range (inclusive)

Perl character classes

  • d - digits (same as [0-9])
  • D - not digits (same as `[^0-9]`)
  • s - whitespace (same as `[tnfr ]`)
  • S - not whitespace (same as `[^tnfr ]`)
  • w - word characters (same as `[0-9A-Za-z_]`)
  • W - not word characters (same as `[^0-9A-Za-z_]`)

Rob Cameron for hislecture noteson which the original implementation was based.

Using SWI-Prolog 6.3 or later:

This module uses semantic versioning.

Source code available and pull requests accepted at


CodeShowturnsadirectoryofcodeintoastaticwebsitesuitableforuseinpresentations.Ituses[pygments]( for syntax highlighting. In directories that include a `` or `readme.txt`, the readme contents will be displayed under the directory listing.




See[]( for an example of the output, or get the code at [](

Md Readme Syntax


Use`pip install codeshow`toinstall.













Md Readme Syntax Examples



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