Apache Proxy Https To Http

Modproxyconnect is only needed for a forward HTTPS proxy, you're setting up a reverse proxy and don't need AllowCONNECT. Your reverse proxy also needs its own TLS certificate, which is missing in your code. Often mapping different URL paths in a reverse proxy, / to /mycorp, leads to incompatibilities, as do unbalanced trailing slashes. HTTPS allows you to use the HTTP/2 protocol, which significantly improves the site performance. Google favors HTTPS websites. Your site will rank better if served via HTTPS. This guide covers how to redirect the HTTP traffic to HTTPS in Apache. There are several ways to redirect to HTTPS in Apache.

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Scenario :

You want to force people coming to your site to use HTTPS. Either for the entire site or a small sub-section of it.

  • Note*

Using mod_rewrite to do this isn't the recommended behavior. See RedirectSSL

This section contains examples of how the Apache Web Server (version 2.2.20) can be used as a proxy in front of SignServer. The guide is only informative, please consult the current Apache documentation for the modules used. The proxy can for example be used to: Use standard ports (80, 443) instead of unprivileged ports used by the application. An Apache httpd proxy server situated in an intranet needs to forward external requests through the company's firewall (for this, configure the ProxyRemote directive to forward the respective scheme to the firewall proxy). However, when it has to access resources within the intranet, it can bypass the firewall when accessing hosts.

Fix :

Apache Forward Proxy Https To Http

Entire site (.htaccess) :

Note: While the rules you need are the same as above (because the rule above doesn't depend on any of the quirks of rewrite in .htaccess), you will need to ensure that you place this in a .htaccess file in the root of the site you want to apply it against, and to make sure you have the appropriate AllowOverride configuration in your httpd.conf

Apache Reverse Proxy Https To Http

Specific Directory

Apache Reverse Proxy Https To Http


Reverse Proxy Https To Https Apache

Either put the above solution in a .htaccess file in the directory to be affected, or put the URI prefix in the regex itself.

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